Medical anthropologist Dr. Theresa MacPhail clams as many as 40% of the world’s population suffers from allergies.
Over the years, due to referrals from Naturopathic & Allopathic Physicians, Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors and Psychiatrists eAR discovered it allows other modalities to be more effective. Or sometimes, unnecessary. Our methodology lowers inflammation to appropriate levels, opens the pathways to healing and reduces or eliminates chronic and acute conditions.
Simple muscle testing) and gentle Acupressure along with digital signals to identify all allergies and sensitivities (triggers). Each trigger is transmitted from the computer via a speaker while gentle vibration is applied to acupuncture points along the spine using a percussor – often described as a soothing backrub.
Chronic or acute allergies often contain several impediments in achieving well-being. They include trouble sleeping, asthma, low energy, reduced mental sharpness, poor productivity, avoidant-restrictive food intake and possible unpredictable side effects of drugs. Allergies not only impact us physically & emotionally they pose economic challenges, reflected in significant healthcare costs and productivity losses that are borne of societies.
The initial session is approximately 90 minutes. eAR will take a client’s medical history and discuss how their current situation may have developed. While fully clothed, a small digital speaker will rest on one arm. The other end of the speaker will be attached to a computer containing software with tens of thousands of digital signals representing possible allergens and sensitivities. During that session clients will discover all their allergies & sensitivities and the number of sessions required to complete their treatment. Six is typical. All of this is accomplished without discomfort, needles, drugs, pin pricks or doing anything invasive.
Follow up sessions are 45 minutes and done weekly, daily or twice daily if two hours apart. eAR works on one allergen family per session.
WESTERN medicine is crucial for acute care and diagnosing serious conditions, HOLISTIC medicine supports overall health, rather than just treating symptoms. It is a healing approach that considers the whole person, including their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It views the body as an interconnected system rather than treating isolated symptoms. It's also known as alternative, traditional, complementary, or Eastern medicine.
As with all healthcare professionals no form of healthcare guarantees an outcome but please note there are good reasons eAR has been steadily providing services the past sixteen years throughout Hawaii, nationally and internationally and thanks to our grateful referrals have never needed to advertise.
“I am allergy free for the past four years! Drugs provided very brief relief. I carried an EpiPen and was dependent on drugs day and night. I was always aware of what I ate and who I came in contact with. Our poor indoor family pets had to be made outdoor pets due to my eyes swelling shut almost daily. Thanks to Nell I can now eat anything I like without getting sick! I can be around my dogs, grass, pollens, I can smell flowers, I can swim and not rush to shower! Allergy medicines, EpiPens*, rashes, allergic reactions are a thing of the past! I have been able to travel to foreign countries and not worry about ending up sick or in the hospital! It's absolutely wonderful!! Nell truly is one of the most compassionate women I have ever met. I loved going to see her, plus it was completely painless." -- K. A. Tempe, AZ
* Nell recommends clients who carry an EpiPen continue unless otherwise advised by their physician.
"You are truly amazing. I still cannot get over that very first session. I never said a word about the results of the very expensive and painful allergy screenings I went through with my doctor. You identified each and every one of them by the end of that session without needles or discomfort. More importantly, you resolved all those issues within a week without medications. Thank you so much Nell.” – V.W. Kauai
"Thank you, Nell, for treating my newborn son's allergy to my breast milk. Not only can I continue feeding him with my breast milk, his eczema and rashes have completely cleared. His skin is once again "baby" soft and all without drugs. What you do is amazing. From the both of us, thank you so very much." – R.N. Princeville
“Nell, I woke up in tears because for the first time in weeks my 5-year-old asthmatic son had not coughed at all last night, and finally got to get a full night’s sleep. So thank you so much.” -- T.A. Kauai
“Our children were on the "Allergy Alert" list at their school. We are thankful and happy to say that their names have been removed! I was skeptical, wondering how a treatment without needles, herbal remedies, drugs, supplements or avoidance could possibly work but decided it was worth the risk to invest the time and money. TWO HOURS after my first treatment, I was able to eat pasta without getting a stomachache. Thank you, Nell!” – J.J. Kauai
Our daughter was breaking out in hives and rashes for as long as we could remember. When we gave her antihistamines they made her groggy and irritable so we would try to only give them when the symptoms started. When we changed her foods or environment she would be a little better for a while then she would start reacting again. Nell addressed why she was having the reactions. Since we have completed her sessions (5 in all) we have not had to use medications at all. Please, if you have children with allergies they should not only see Nell, they should see her now!" C. Y. Kauai
"Dear Aunty Nell, (Islanders typically refer to their elders as Auntie and Uncle) Thank you for your help. My skin got really better. I do not have it and I am happy you helped me. Thank you for your big help. You are very good and nice and your hair is so so beatiful (sic). I wish I was you because you help a lot of people and you made them so happy that they can eat anything and have so much fun like me!” -- L. C. Kauai (7 years old)
“My cat allergy made it impossible for me to stay with family when we traveled internationally. After being treated by Nell, I am now able to stay with my cat loving family without itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing.” M. A. Pasadena, Ca
“I no longer take meds! This is unbelievable. After the first day I was playing tennis and golf without worrying about allergies. I have more energy, sleep better and enjoy life like I haven't for many years. I highly recommend you to anyone who plays competitive sports. I hope this testimonial helps anyone suffering from allergies. I owe you so much Nell!" -- K.L. Princeville
“Ruby, my Papillon, was on 3 medications for skin allergies when we came to Nell. It has been 4 years and Ruby is doing great. No medications, no allergies and she loves Nell!” K. B. Kauai
“Our West Highland Terrier is the love of our life. We never imagined he would develop allergies to flees since we give him monthly flee meds. Our vet told us how common it is for white dogs to have skin allergies. His allergies are gone, and his skin looks great! I wish you could see my smile right now."
L. R. Princeville
"Lily and Tweety (two cats) are doing so much better!! Both didn't sneeze once and that is amazing! Lily's nose stopped running, and her eyes are clear. I am so relieved and deeply grateful. Thank you, so much."
J. B. Lihue
"Our German shepherd pup arrived from Oahu with terrible skin issues. Our older dog had been on allergy injections for years. The vet suggested we try Nellie's treatment before starting the shots. Both of our dogs look and feel great. She is healthy, happy and has a beautiful coat." A. H. Kapaa
“I took medications 365 days a year which made me drowsy. The stress of breathing and pain in my fingers made most activities a chore. After my first treatment for dust my hands do not hurt and I can breathe without feeling the tightness and coughing. My eyes are not puffy anymore. I have not had to take any medications in over a month! I can golf with no adverse effects from the grass, trees or flowers. I sleep better, am alert and enjoy life like I haven’t for many years. This is the best Mother’s Day gift I have ever received. I'm verklempt.” S.W Kauai